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Publications & Media

The Chemical Composition of Boswellia occulta Oleogum Resin Essential Oils

New York Times: Could This be the End of Frankincense
Our very own Dr Anjanette DeCarlo is quoted in this recent New York times Article

Chemical Composition of the Oleogum Resin Essential Oils of Boswellia dalzielii from Burkina Faso

Organic Certification is Not Enough: The Case of the Methoxydecane Frankincense

New Species Discovery

IFEAT- Dr. Anjanette DeCarlo Speaker for Event

Boswellia occulta (Burseraceae), a new species of frankincense tree from Somalia

First International Conference on Frankincense and Medicinal Plants-

Publication on Boswellia carteri Chemotypes in Chemistry & Biodiversity Journal
The Boswellia carteri frankincense trees are famously variable, so much so that they’ve been confusing botanists and taxonomists for...

The Ecologist: A Sustainable Future for Frankincense and Forests?

Frankincense Communities Speak Out
Frankincense harvesting communities have begun to speak out for themselves about the problems with the trees. You can watch their...

Sustainable Frankincense Production Systems in Somaliland

The New Yorker: How Essential Oils Became the Cure for Our Age of Anxiety

WWJD? Frankincense distiller considers Fair Trade certification

CNN Documentary on Somaliland Frankincense
The documentary follows the economic, social, and ecological issues around frankincense production and features both our project team and...

New blog post on our work
Dan Riegler, founder of Apothecary’s Garden, has written a blog post on the frankincense situation in Somaliland and our work. Dan...

Lush: Article on Somaliland Frankincense
The team over at Lush has written a piece on Somaliland’s frankincense and the work we’re doing to support sustainability in the area....

Horn Diplomat Interview with Anjanette about Frankincense & Being an American Working in Somaliland
The Horn Diplomat, an English-language news website for members of the Horn of Africa diaspora, recently interviewed project director...
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