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Publications & Media

VICE: Inside the Wellness Industry’s Controversial Supply Chains
Inside the Wellness Industry’s Controversial Supply Chains

Herbal Reality:"Toward a sustainable future for frankincense: An ancient medicine in a modern world"
During the last 25-30 years the world of frankincense has undergone profound changes. Not only has there been a worldwide boom in demand,...

Paper: “The Chemical Composition of Single-Tree Boswellia frereana Resin Samples”
Title: The Chemical Composition of Single-Tree Boswellia frereana Resin Samples Authors: Stephen Johnson, Anjanette DeCarlo, Prabodh...

Propagation of Boswellia in Situ
Currently most, if not all, of the world's frankincense resin is wild crafted. It is important to recognize that Boswellia trees tapped for

New York Times: How Botanical Oils Won Over the West
DeCarlo doesn’t want to halt the trade in frankincense, which would deprive many Somalis of a livelihood. “Use it with reverence and...

German NTV: Frankincense is becoming increasingly scarce
Frankincense is an indispensable part of the Christmas season and Epiphany. The popular gum resin has been extracted from trees in...

Catholic Review: Frankincense’s future: Ancient gift endangered, risks depletion- Article & Video
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Gospel of Matthew never details how many Magi came from “the East,” but it makes it clear they traveled to pay...

COVID-19 Impacts on the Frankincense Market
“...the pandemic has closed businesses locally, it has played even worse havoc with international supply chains. The frankincense...

Coalition of Sustainable Perfumery: Episode 3, Part 1: Dr. Anjanette DeCarlo
The COSP team is thrilled to interview Dr. Anjanette DeCarlo, the Chief Sustainability Scientist at the Aromatic Plant Research Center...

Webinar: Future of frankincense, in Situ Propagation By Anjanette DeCarlo PhD- Research Aromatica
Across the various regions where frankincense grows, there are different cultural beliefs about the cultivation of trees. In this...

Ecological and Economic Sustainability of Non-Timber Forest Products in Post-Conflict Recovery -MDPI Non-timber forest products have often been held out as potential tools for conservation and...

Save Frankincense: Overharvesting of a precious commodity and approaches to ensure sustainability

NewScientist: Frankincense is a holiday favorite, but its future is under threat

National Geographic: Frankincense of- Biblical Lore- Are Being Tapped Out for Essential Oils
One of our very own being featured in a new National Geographic Article talking about the over tapping of Frankincense....

Ten Fast Facts About Frankincense

Perfumer & Flavorist: Frankincense Geopolitics, Trade and Transparency

American Botanical Council: Ten Fast Facts About Frankincense

Compositional analysis of the essential oil of Boswellia dalzielii frankincense from West Africa

Chemical Composition of the Oleogum Resin Essential Oils of Boswellia dalzielii from Burkina Faso
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